Imagine joining a community of women just like you who are working to create healthy money habits. Here, you'll have access to all the resources and support you need to finally get your finances under control. Plus, you'll be able to build relationships with other women who can offer encouragement and accountability along the way.
Plus you will receive access to the Sacred Money Archetypes®
After your 30 Days FREE, you will have the opportunity to join The Sacred Money School for a Limited Time Offer of $111/month
THANK YOU!!! Wow, that was an incredible session this morning at The Sacred Money School. Michelle and Lisa, thank you for holding this sacred space for women and for sharing such important life-changing info with us. Michelle, thank you for your incredible wisdom and coaching and for helping me experience 2 major breakthroughs this morning on money boundaries!!! WOW
Am I doing too much for my kids?
Am I weakening them by doing too much?
How do I set money boundaries?
Michelle made me realize people may be giving me their opinions as far as what to do but they are giving their opinion through their lens, through their experiences, through their beliefs.
Are they valid for Me?
I learned so much in this class.
Ladies if you have signed up for the Sacred Money School please come join us. Make it a priority, and put it on your calendar.
Yes, life is busy, and yes as women we wear a lot of different hats but this will benefit you in so many ways.
YOU deserve this special time together with other powerful women.
We don't know what we don't know!!
This catchphrase came up this morning.
I did not realize how my lack of money boundaries was affecting me physically and emotionally.
What are some things that are holding you back that you are not aware of?
I am sure they will come up in the Sacred Money School sessions and you will be that much freer wiser and lighter and more in tune with your money power when you let them go!
Hope to see you all next time we gather together in The Sacred Money School!
Much Love,
Lori 💜🎉
Plus you will receive access to the Sacred Money Archetypes®
After your 30 Days FREE, you will have the opportunity to join The Sacred Money School for a Limited Time Offer of $111/month
Michelle is the high priestess of profit, a spiritual gangsta, CEO of Alchemy Accounting & Bookkeeping, and author of several books. For many years, Michelle wore the “money struggle” like a badge of honour – working herself to death trying to make a buck. However, over ten years ago she realized by working with her own clients, that there are some keys to abundance that significantly shifted her wealth.
Today, Michelle supports the growth of her client’s business with real strategic planning while also addressing the mindset issues that arise with growth, in order to bust through and rise up to levels they never dreamed possible. She co-created Sacred Money School to bring these teachings and this knowledge to a wider audience because she wants more people to live in an abundant world.
Lisa is a money mentor, Chartered Professional Accountant, passionate numbers nerd and CEO of Inspiring Prosperity Inc. For a long time, Lisa hid her struggle with money behind over-working and trying to take care of everyone around her financially. It was through her work with clients, and a major life experience, that she realized that each of us has unique way of being with money that allows us to create greater abundance, if we are willing to embrace it.
Now, Lisa supports women in creating wealth on their terms, through strategic, values-based planning, and releasing limiting money beliefs that are holding them back. She co-created Sacred Money School to be able to share this knowledge in a sacred space where women can feel safe and supported while taking powerful steps to create greater abundance in their lives.
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